Thanks so much for explaining, Russ.
I am going to print this out so I can fully wrap my head around it.
Home > App > Model > Instance
 I'm new to the concept of models, this is a big help.

On Jun 9, 6:59 am, Russell Keith-Magee <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 8:34 AM, zignorp<> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I'm getting going with the tutorial, it's so exciting to see the admin
> > panel, but I've got a problem with the breadcrumbs.
> > So I'm working from this page:
> >
> > and when I select my poll to change, it says:
> > Home › Polls › Polls › What's up? at the top of the page.
> > In the example there's only one Polls, so I'm worried I may have
> > inadvertently created an extra layer, but I can't figure out where I
> > may have done that.
> I don't think you've done anything incorrect here - I suspect it's
> just some confusion stemming from an ambiguous name. The admin
> breadcrumbs follow the pattern of:
> Home > App > Model > Instance
> Home is the admin homepage. You should see all available applications,
> including the Polls app; the Polls app should show Polls as a model
> inside the app.
> Home > Polls should be the url /admin/polls, and should give a list of
> models that can be edited - in this case, the Poll model.
> Home > Polls > Polls should be the url /admin/polls/poll (note the
> singular), which will give a list of Poll objects that can be edited
> (at the very least, the "whats up" instance).
> Home > Polls > Polls > Whats Up should be the url /admin/polls/poll/1
> (or some other number, depending on the instance ID of the poll). This
> should be the editing pane for the instance.
> So - in this case, the project works fine, it's just a little
> confusing whether you're talking about the Polls application or the
> Polls model.
> Adding to the confusion - the screenshot in the tutorial is slightly
> out of date - the extra level of navigation was introduced recently
> (well, after the tutorial screenshots were taken, anyway), so the
> screenshots don't show the extra level of breadcrumbs.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
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