On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 16:39, Olav<olav.be...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am convinced that Django is a great framework, but I need to know
> how much of the stuff I might need is available or can easily be
> integrated?
> How much is available compared to Drupal, Joomla or DotNetNuke for
> example?

It is not even comparable to Drupal or Joomla. Drupal and Joomla are
mature web applications (they were originally CMSs and they allow
editing the site up to a point (not every single thing)), but Django
is a framework (consider it a programming language-like system that
allows you to write web applications like Drupal or Joomla).

> If I want to use another framework and have it appear as the same
> site, how easy is it to integrate stuff like session and user
> functionality?

That depends on the "another framework" you are talking about. If the
"another framework" has session and user functionality (which one
doesn't?) you should be able to integrate them into your new system.

On the other hand, if you are not sure if Django is the right choice
for you, I would advice sticking to what system you already know.

> It is a social site, so I might need like antibot, antispam, forums,
> dating, Facebookintegration, OpenID, chat, Wiki, notifications.

You better re-write *the* web then :)

> Another area is customized search.
> Olav

Your best bet would be using a CMS like Joomla, because, don't get me
wrong, but if you do not know the difference between a web application
and a web framework, you better stick to already-mature web
applications (since you are obviously far from being a web programmer
and the target you set for yourself (that social site you described
above) is far too high).

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