On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:39 AM, Luc Saffre <luc.saf...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> here is a code example that illustrates how I plan to implement journals
> in an accounting application. The attached file models.py contains the
> details. I saved it (together with an empty __init__.py) in a new
> directory "journals" under django/tests/modeltests of my SVN working
> copy (which I just updated to revision 10921), then I went to
> django/tests and run the command::
>  python runtests.py --settings=settings_memory -v1 journals
> to test it.

Why are you putting these in among Django's tests?  They are your models, so
(assuming your app is named 'journals', and you have this models.py file in
journals/models.py) you should run the tests via manage.py:

python manage.py test journals

I'm almost happy, but I get an unexpected result in line 60::

(I think you added some lines at the top of the file between getting this
result and posting it...the line where this error is reported in the file
you have attached is line 72.)

>  File "L:\snapshot\django\tests\modeltests\journals\models.py", \
>     line 60, in modeltests.journals.models
>  Failed example:
>      INV.lastnum
>  Expected:
>      1
>  Got:
>      2
> I don't understand why INV.lastnum returns 2 and not 1 at this place. If
> you see the reason, then please tell me!

Your INV variable is a Journal model instance you created early on in the
test.  Each time you add a document you do it through calling a method on
the instance INV, so its lastnum attribute gets updated.  When you delete,
however, you delete a document instance.  This has code to update the
lastnum for the associated Journal in the database, but has no effect on the
in-memory Journal instance INV.  If you want the instance INV to reflect the
latest value in the database you will need to re-fetch it from the database.


  >>> INV = Journal.objects.get(id='INV')

to line 72 fixes the problem (and the subsequent errors I got that you did
not mention, which also seem to be related to using INV after it has a stale
lastnum to create a new document).

> Also, I'd be glad to get feedback on my way of solving this particular
> problem, and I suggest to add this to the Django tests collection once I
> got it working.

Well the problems the test reveal with the in-memory Journal instance having
a stale lastnum after documents are deleted is a bit of a gotcha with they
way you have set this up.  Though it's easily fixed in the test, I fear
actual code that uses these models would easily run afoul of the same

And I don't see why you are focused on adding tests for these models to
Django itself.  Tests for your app's models belong with your app, not in the
Django test suite.


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