On Thu, 2009-06-04 at 10:44 +1930, Juan Hernandez wrote:
> Hey there people:
> I started developing a django application where a user takes a big
> text file and loads it into a database. I have been able to do pretty
> much everything but I've been having some problems on scheduling tasks
> involving the django ORM.
> I know that python manage.py shell loads the python prompt with the
> necessary environment settings for me to work with the shell but, what
> if I wanted to let's say, schedule a text file to be loaded every
> night using the django orm along with all the other python features?
> how can I set a script or what settings do I have so set in order to
> easily use the ORM automatically for me to be able to work with those
> files over the web interface later?? in other words, what settings are
> loded everytime I execute python manage.py shell?
> Thanks a lot 
> jhv

The easiest way is to write a custom management command, see



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