On Mon, 2009-06-01 at 16:01 -0700, Ben Adida wrote:
> I have a ManyToMany self relationship with a custom join table (I
> don't think the self-reference is important to the problem, but it
> might be, so I'm mentioning it):
> class Documents
>   related_docs = models.ManyToManyField("self",
> through='DocumentRels')
> DocumentRels is a table that maps one document to another, with a
> relationship type.
> If I want all documents related to doc_0, I can just do:
>   doc_0.related_docs
> But what if I want all documents related to doc_0 where I specify an
> extra constraint on the join table, e.g. a value for
> DocumentRels.relationship? Is there a way to do that without custom
> SQL?

You will not need custom sql, because DocumentRels is going to be a
Model. When you want to filter based on DocumentRels.relationship, you
will either use:


or go through the RelatedManagers that are added to your Document
model for the ForeignKeys in DocumentRels. The reference is here:


For code that exactly fits your case, see PersonSelfRefM2M in:



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