On Sun, 2009-05-31 at 23:45 -0700, samira wrote:
> I exactly do like when I use Django 0.96.
> for example this:
> Class AccountAdd(forms.Form):
>     accountNo = forms.IntegerField(min_value=1, required=True,
> widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'10'}))
>     def __init__(self, data=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None,
> initial=None, instance=None):
>         self.instance = None
>         super(AccountAdd, self).__init__(data, auto_id, prefix,
> initial)

The problem here is that the second argument to BaseForm.__init__() is
'files', not 'auto_id'. Presumably this argument is new since you
wrote your code. Right now, your __init__() call is equivalent to:

        super(AccountAdd, self).__init__(
            data=data, files=auto_id, auto_id=prefix, prefix=initial)

So yes, if you instantiate this form you will see errors.


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