On May 28, 7:26 am, "Daniele Procida" <dani...@apple-juice.co.uk>
> On Thu, May 28, 2009, Masklinn <maskl...@masklinn.net> wrote:
> >> I need to create some templates that will cover a number of cases:
> >>    display navigation menu: yes or no
> >>    display additional info box: yes or no
> >> In other words, there are a total of four cases that need to be  
> >> provided for.
> >> I understand how to use template inheritance so that a derived  
> >> template
> >> will contain a block that overrides the default presence of the
> >> navigation menu.
> >> I could create a total of four derived templates, one for each case;
> >> that would be OK too.
> >> However, the number of derived templates rises exponentially. If I
> >> needed to cover a couple of additional options, say:
> >>    use low-bandwidth styling: yes or no
> >>    display secret information: yes or no
> >> then I'd need 16 templates to extend the base.
> >> There must be a better way to do this - what is it?
> >Template inclusion instead of template inheritance?
> You mean, by using a series of tags like:
> {% if [condition] %}
>     {% include "navigationmenu.html" %}
> {% endif %}
> {% if [condition2] %}
>     {% include "additionalinfo.html" %}
> {% endif %}
> and so on?

Yes, that could work.

Also, if you evaluate the conditions in the view, instead of the
template, you can pass in the file to be included as a parameter.

if condition1:
    context['extra_includes'] = 'navigationmenu.html'
elif condition2:
    context['extra_includes'] = 'additionalinfo.html'

This keeps your template nice and clean:

{% include extra_includes %}

Of course, the tradeoff is that you might view the conditions as
having more context in the template.

Here are the docs for include:

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