On Tue, 2009-05-26 at 17:27 -0700, adrian wrote:
> This code creates a formset and populates fields with copies of
> date and start_time.
> The problem is, if num_events is X then it creates X forms but it only
> populates X-1   (it leaves the last one uninitialized).   My question
> is why, and how to fix it? Thanks.
>        DateTimeFormSet = formset_factory(DateTimeForm)
>         initial_data_list = []
>         pattern_datetime_dict = {
>             'date':event.date,
>             'start_time':event.time_start,
>         }
>         for x in range(1, num_events):
>             initial_data_list.append(pattern_datetime_dict)
>         formset = DateTimeFormSet(initial = initial_data_list)

Your initial data list only has (num_events - 1) elements. And
formset_factory is returning a formset class that generates 1 extra
form by default, giving you num_events total forms.

If you don't want any extra forms, you can pass extra=0 into
formset_factory like so:

  DateTimeFormSet = formset_factory(DateTimeForm, extra=0)


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