> Where is not such a big deal. You could write a function in view that you
> reuse multiple times (maybe start its name with an _ to show that it is not
> a public function cq just a helper function), or you could put it into a
> util.py file and import it in your views.py
> How totally depends on what the function does, what is the block of code
> that comes back in every view?

Thanks. The common info is like website language - which language is
visitor seeing and login info and such stuff. Basically it has to read
stuff from session data and to write some to it.

> You can than probably have several templates that extend the base template
> (with all your <head> etc.) and have them all use just one block, content
> for example, from your base template.
> Tino

Well that was incredibly simple :) Thanks again,

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