I am trying to use the select keyword in extra.  But I cannot properly
quote the the expression for postrgres.  I am using the
django.contrib.comments.  I started with this snippet
http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1101/ which returns the number
of comments for an object.  However, the code does not work.  The
problem that the field django_comment.object_pk is text and my item pk
is integer.

In postgres, this works:

select count(*)
from django_comments
where django_comments.content_type_id=12 and

But using extra(select={'comment_count': sql,}) where

sql = '''select count(*)
from django_comments
where django_comments.content_type_id=12 and

gives me an error every way that I have tried to add quotes.  (This
includes django.db.connection.ops.quote_name.)

Any ideas on how to embedded quotes in postgres?

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