On May 6, 8:57 am, Daniel Roseman <roseman.dan...@googlemail.com>
> On May 6, 5:26 am, NicoEchániz <lwcy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have a model which has a ForeignKey to itself. I'm doing this to
> > represent a hierarchy which I then need to display in the
> > corresponding select field of my form.
> > You can find the corresponding code snippet 
> > here:http://dpaste.com/hold/41342/

> Your code in lines 22 onwards is being executed when the form class is
> defined. So the choices for robro_superior are being set at that
> point, and not updated.
> To fix this, put this code into an __init__() method. This is called
> when the form is *instantiated* - so each time, it will get the list
> fresh from the database.
> class RubroForm(ModelForm):
>     rubro_superior = ModelChoiceField(queryset=Rubro.objects.all(),
> required=False)
>     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
>         super(RubroForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
>         r = Rubro.objects.all()
>         choices = [('', '- - - -')] + [(rubro.id, rubro.jerarquia) for
> rubro in r]
>         choices.sort(key=itemgetter(1))
>         rubro_superior.choices = choices
> --
> DR.


Thanks for your reply.
I had already tried this, but there's another problem whith this
solution. The class attribute rubro_superior seems inaccesible for
some reason.

I get the error:
global name 'rubro_superior' is not defined

I've tried changing the offending line:
rubro_superior.choices = choices

RubroForm.rubro_superior.choices = choices
and for:
self.__class__.rubro_superior.choices = choices

to no avail...

so... the description of the problem seems correct to me, but I can't
find the way to solve it.



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