On May 4, 11:31 am, pbzRPA <pbz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Could you provide the code of your model and why you would want to use
> a custom sql instead of the django model object.
> Regards
> Pbzrpa

class Stats(models.Model)
        user = models.ForeignKey(User)
        variant = models.ForeignKey(PlazaGameVariant)
        rating = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)

The problem is that the id is worthless for sorting in this case since
it needs to be sorted by rating and we needed to know the rank of a
given user.

This was my solution:

def GetRank(sTable, sVariantId, sOrderBy, sUserId):
        strSqlQuery1 = "SET @row=0;"

        strSqlQuery2 = """
                SELECT rank
                        FROM (
                                SELECT @row:=...@row+1 as rank, user_id
                                FROM (
                                        SELECT user_id
                                                FROM %s
                                                WHERE variant_id=%s
                                                ORDER BY %s DESC
                                ) AS B
                        ) AS A
                        WHERE user_id=%s;

        cursor = connection.cursor()

        cursor.execute( strSqlQuery1 )
        cursor.execute( strSqlQuery2 % (sTable, sVariantId, sOrderBy,
sUserId) )

        row = cursor.fetchone()

        return row[0]

Initially my problem was trying to execute the two queries in one
call, but breaking it out fixes it. Though I'm not sure if it's thread
safe or not.

Also, thank you Malcolm for your valuable input.


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