
I'm also a newbie. I'm working on forms also, and it worked for me.
here is what i did:

1. create a new folder in your project, call it "contact" for example,
it should include __init__ file (which means that this folder is a
package) and views.py file
2. in the views.py write your "contact" method, don't forget to import
the contact form class
3. in the urls.py import the contact method and add the following
url : (r'^contact/$', contact)

you should be good to go now! try it and give me feedback


On 28 Apr, 11:29, bkev <krban...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> This is perhaps a stupid newbie issue, but I'm having trouble using
> James Bennett's lovely contact_form plugin. I'm getting a template
> syntax error - "No module named contact_form". As suggested in the
> install docs, I have put 'contact_form' in my installed apps setting,
> added (r'^contact/', include('contact_form.urls')), to my urls.py
> file, and added the four requisite templates - contact_form.txt,
> contact_form.html, contact_form_sent.html, and
> contact_form_subject.txt in a contact_form subdirectory within my
> templates directory. The directory where contact_form is located is on
> my pythonpath (and is verified when I do an import sys - print
> sys.path), and if I go into an interactive shell within my app, I'm
> able to import contact_form without issue. I'm at a loss to figure out
> why I'm able to import it, but django is not...? Any ideas?
> Sincere thanks in advance...
> bkev
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