On 24 Apr 06:28, bconnors wrote:
> I created a djsite folder and put new django there
> pubu...@pubuntu:~/djsite/mysite$
> + svn co http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk/ django-trunk
> Checked out revision 10630.
> pubu...@pubuntu:~/djsite/mysite$
> then did
> pubu...@pubuntu:~/djsite/mysite$ python manage.py runserver
> Validating models...
> mysite.polls: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument
> 'max_length'
> 1 error found.
> Django version 0.96.1, using settings 'mysite.settings'
> Development server is running at
> Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
> I read about python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import
> get_python_lib;
> But
> pubu...@pubuntu:~/djsite/mysite$ sh -x w
> + python -c from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib;
> pubu...@pubuntu:~/djsite/mysite$
> that doesn’t tell me where my site-packages are.
> How do I find out where this Django version 0.96.1, is coming from?

Making the assumption that this is an ubuntu box running a old release...

apt-get remove python-django

(You can check if that's installed with:
    dpkg -l python-django

Also, if that is the version that is installed, it'll be in 

Hope that helps,
Brett Parker

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