patrickk wrote:
> line 53 of base.html is {% get_help request.path %}.
> I´m not exactly sure what´s happening here and I´m not able to
> reproduce this error.
> you might wanna try to debug ... request.user seems to work (because
> that´s a couple of lines before), so request.path should also work.
> but I´ve never tested this locally, so I´m not sure if that can cause
> the error (we´re having test/development-servers to do this).
> if you dig a little depper and you think you´ve found a bug - then
> please report it using the google-code issue tracker.

No bug (as far as I can see), just newbie-ness. Turns out that
there's some sort of conflict with other apps, namely the batchadmin
app, possibly more (I removed them all). In addition, being a newbie,
I neglected to tell you that I'm running the development server. I
followed the instructions by Chris Scott, and after a bit of fiddling,
presto, I can see the light:)

It looks brilliant!


> On 15 Apr., 20:14, Lars Stavholm <> wrote:
>> patrickk wrote:
>>> in order to use the admin, just use /admin/ (grappelli doesn´t change
>>> the admin-urls).
>> Thanks, but that got me in to some other problem:
>> TemplateSyntaxError at /admin/
>> Caught an exception while rendering: Failed lookup for key [request] in
>> u"[{'root_path': u'/admin/', 'app_list': [{'app_url': 'asset/',
>> [snip]
>> Request Method:         GET
>> Request URL:    http://localhost:8000/admin/
>> Exception Type:         TemplateSyntaxError
>> Exception Value:        
>> Caught an exception while rendering: Failed lookup for key [request] in
>> [snip]
>> Exception Location:
>> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/template/ in
>> render_node, line 81
>> Python Executable:      /usr/bin/python
>> Python Version:         2.6.0
>> Python Path:    ['/home/stava/proj/bfact',
>> '/home/stava/lib/Trac-0.11.1-py2.5.egg', '/home/stava/lib',
>> '/home/stava/proj', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python2.6',
>> '/usr/lib/python2.6/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk',
>> '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload',
>> '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages',
>> '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Numeric',
>> '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/PIL',
>> '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages',
>> '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gtk-2.0',
>> '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode']
>> Server time:    Wed, 15 Apr 2009 20:07:53 +0200
>> Template error
>> In template /home/stava/proj/bfact/templates/admin/base.html, error at
>> line 53
>> My looks like this:
>> from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
>> from django.contrib import admin
>> admin.autodiscover()
>> urlpatterns = patterns('',
>>   (r'^grappelli/', include('grappelli.urls')),
>>   (r'^admin/(.*)',,
>> )
>> /L
>>> On 15 Apr., 10:06, Lars Stavholm <> wrote:
>>>> patrickk wrote:
>>>>> which URL causes that error?
>>>> http://localhost:8000/grappelli/admin/
>>>>> please note that in order to use grappelli you have to setup the admin-
>>>>> site before, 
>>>>> see
>>>>> maybe this should be mentioned in the docs, but I guess it´s pretty
>>>>> obvious.
>>>> I guess it is, admin up and running nicely without grappelli.
>>>> /L
>>>>> On Apr 14, 8:36 pm, Lars Stavholm <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> I'm trying to get django-grappelli running, but after following
>>>>>> the installation instructions, I end up with a 404 and the following:
>>>>>> Using the URLconf defined in bfact.urls, Django tried these URL
>>>>>> patterns, in this order:
>>>>>>    1. ^admin/(.*)
>>>>>>    2. ^grappelli/ ^bookmark/add/$
>>>>>>    3. ^grappelli/ ^bookmark/remove/$
>>>>>>    4. ^grappelli/ ^help/(?P<object_id>\d+)/$
>>>>>>    5. ^grappelli/ ^help
>>>>>>    6. ^grappelli/ ^obj_lookup/$
>>>>>>    7. ^grappelli/ ^related_lookup/$
>>>>>>    8. ^grappelli/ ^m2m_lookup/$
>>>>>>    9. ^accounts/login/$
>>>>>>   10. ^accounts/logout/$
>>>>>> Notice the space after "grappelli/".
>>>>>> Anyone else out there using django-grappelli?
>>>>>> Any ideas as to what causes this?
>>>>>> I'm using django-1.0.2 on Linux with latest grappelli from trunk.
>>>>>> Any ideas appreciated
>>>>>> /Lars
> > 

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