The two ways are pretty much the same, one picks a random
number to use for a slice, the other picks a random element in
a queryset. I would go for whatever you think is the easiest
to understand, when browsing through the code.

Also, if you're not sure that atleast 3 elements will come from
the query you would need an if statement in the randrange
version aswell.


On 15 Apr., 17:54, Baxter <> wrote:
> On Apr 15, 10:44 am, google torp <> wrote:> What I meant 
> was that you could do it like this
> > import random
> > sa = Article.objects.filter(...).order_by('-id')
> > random_choice = sa[random.randrange(2, len(sa))]
> Thanks Jakob. Is there an advantage to doing it that way rather than
> what I came up with, using choice() rather than random?
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