On Apr 14, 9:47 pm, Leon <l...@radley.se> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm new to django so far I like it, but I've now reached my first big
> hurdle.
> I'm building a page which has a cms in the root, which shows the main
> menu, and submenu of the site,
> but then I have a blog app and a gallery app which are coupled to a
> special section of the site, I still want the cms menues to work.
> Another example where this shows up.
> I have a site with groups that show information about the groups like
> a group name and such. I then have a blog app wich works well by it
> self, but i would like the blog app to filter out so that only the
> groups items are shown, but the blog app shouldn't know about the
> groups?
> How can I make the apps share data?
> Who's incharge of what?
> How can I make one app filter out data in another?
> Cheers
> // Leon

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