On Apr 8, 2:34 pm, Rob Madole <robmad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been looking at a couple of RIA frameworks, namely Sproutcore and
> Cappuccino.  The feel a bit too heavy for me.  Sproutcore does not
> integrate well with Django.  Cappuccino uses Objective-J as the
> language and I'm not convinced this is a good choice for our team.
> The reason I'm posting is to ask the community if they have know of
> anything that is at a higher level than jQuery + jQuery UI and a lower
> level than Sproutcore/Cappuccino.

 well as raymond mentions, you _really_ should look at pyjamas http://pyjs.org
or if you want to cause yourself a headache because you don't like
python and prefer java - GWT.

>  I'd like to find something that has
> this kind of stuff in it:
> - Client-side Javascript MVC implementation (Both Sproutcore and
> Cappuccino have controllers and view)

 yep - i outline how pyjamas helps you keep at least the V and the C
on the client-side, in javascript, but you're still actually writing
python - in http://advogato.org/article/993.html

> - Easy layouts (I really 
> likehttp://cappuccino.org/learn/tutorials/automatic-layout/)

 err, that's not enough to understand what the heck is going on, but i
can guess

pyjamas allows you to still use CSS stylesheets, and still allows you
to call setWidth("80%") or "150px" etc. on widgets,

and, also, the "Table"-style panels such as pyjamas.ui.Grid have a
"CellFormatter" option which allows you to set the width and height
(in pixels, em or %, whatever) of individual cells.

FlexTable also allows you to set what "rowspan" and "colspan" of
individual cells.

> - Data bindings (Step 4 
> onhttp://www.sproutcore.com/documentation/hello-world-tutorial-2-your-f...)

  i don't understand in the _slightest_ bit what that's about.  but it
smells like it's substituting a widget into some HTML. if that's the
case, then pyjamas.ui.RootPanel() takes an optional string argument
which can be the "id" in the DOM model HTML, naming the element in the
HTML page that you want the widget to be attached to.

see http://pyjs.org/examples/dynamictable/ - DynaTable.py look for

    slot = RootPanel("calendar")

and then note that in public/DynaTable.html there is a <div

> So something less heavy,

 yep.  pyjamas is about 9,000 lines - total.

> less "Desktop" feel;

 well, that's up to you.

> more Web 2.0 (Gmail, Digg, Delicious).

 yep.  definitely.

> But more organization than a blank HTML and a
> <script> tag that points to  jQuery or Dojo or MooTools.

 yep.  that too.

>  (And yes, I
> admit this is a bit of have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too).

 well, it's been done - big-time.

 you also have the advantage that i quite like django, so have gone to
a lot of trouble to ensure that the django JSONRPC service actually
works, and i'm very-part-time doing a Django JSONRPC "Forms" hybrid
service, where you can merge a Django Form with a JSONRPC Service and
then use AJAX / JSONRPC in your client to interact with the Django
Form "validate", "save" and now, last week, i added "describe" which
will allow you to find out what the fields are of the form.

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