On Thu, 2009-04-09 at 23:23 -0300, emonk wrote:
> Hi,
> I have this form:
> class registerForm(forms.Form):
>     aNumber = forms.IntegerField(
>                                 label='Some Integer Field',
>                                 max_value=99999999,
>                                 min_value=1000000,
>                                 help_text='7 digits min and 8 digits max',
>                                 error_messages={
>                                                 'invalid':'Only numbers pls!',
>                                                 'min_value':'min 7 digits!',
>                                                 'max_value':'max 8 digits!',  

If you have a look at the error messages you are replacing (in
django/forms/fields.py), you'll see that they are passed a single
parameter (indicated by the "%s"). So your replacement messages must be
able to handle those parameters as well.

If you look a bit closer, you'll see that the parameter being passed in
is the maximum or minimum value. You're trying to use max- and
min-values to talk about length, which isn't really the intention, so
things aren't going to work nicely. If you want to talk about length,
use a CharField, or a RegexField -- since you're trying to treat the
input as a string (with a length), rather than a number (with a size).


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