Please have a look at the below thread which answers the above

On Apr 8, 9:03 am, Tom <> wrote:
> Hi experts,
> I am a first time web-developer who decided to use python web
> framework. I just finished the chapter on Sessions, Users, and
> Authentication in The Definitive Guide to Django book. I have some
> questions on the user models.
> The class models.User is tied with the authentication sub framework
> and session fwk. However, my vision of the user is slightly different
> than what Django has. For example, I am thinking about not using user
> name, and using just the email field.
> Is it possible to use my version of User class to back the
> authentication and session fwk? The more I think about it and Django,
> it seems that this change is probably involved in re-inventing the
> whole authentication fwk in Django. Can some of you help me with this
> use case? Does Django have a way to use custom User class? Is there
> any doc, wiki, or blog that I can look at?
> I am using the 1.02 final version of Django.
> Thanks,
> Tom
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