Hi Again,

  Here is what we used to get around the email restriction.  It works
very well for authenticating through your application, Admin is a
different story.  In our case the users who register online never need
to log into admin.  If yours do, then you will have to strip logic
from several files.

In /django/contrib/auth/backends.py modify the following function....

    def authenticate(self, **credentials):
            user = None
            if 'username' in credentials:
              user = User.objects.get(username=credentials
              user = User.objects.get(email=credentials['email'])

            if user.check_password(credentials['password']):
                return user

        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return None

Then when authenticating all you have to do is use:

user = authenticate(email=email, password=password)

or you can fall back on...

user = authenticate(username=email, password=password)

Either way thats all it takes, works like a charm now.  There was even
a patch for this many months back, too bad Django developers went the
exact opposite way...


Should we re-open the ticket? Either way, if you want email
authentication leave feedback...


On Apr 7, 10:16 am, pkenjora <pkenj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>   Why not remove the '@' filter and allow the specific project
> developer the freedom to use email as username?  What was the
> reasoning behind this?
>   I always like Django because it didn't try to force development down
> a specific path.  All developers have their own way and every project
> is unique, for a long time Django accommodated that.  I'm a bit
> worried about where this is going...
>   I'm worried that the workarounds just introduce unnecessary
> complexity.  We are currently upgrading to Django 1.02 and will most
> likely strip the limiting logic instead of working around it.  I will
> have a patch available for anyone interested later today.
> - Paul
> On Apr 2, 7:11 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <malc...@pointy-stick.com>
> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2009-04-02 at 19:04 -0700, Timboy wrote:
> > > What's the best way to add users with an auto generating username? ie:
> > > Taub.John, Smith.Tim, Smith.Tim2
> > You can do it however you like, since the user will never see it.
> > Something as simple as taking the email address, replacing "@" with "AT"
> > and "." with "DOT" might work.
> > One thing I did for a client was take the email address, trip off
> > everything after the "@" and then continue adding a number to the end of
> > the username until it was unique. So if t...@example.com registered
> > first, he would be username "tim" and t...@foo.bar.org would be username
> > "tim1", since "tim" was already in use. Since all registration is
> > normally done through one or two places, it only required setting up the
> > registration form handling view and writing a management command tool to
> > add a user manually. These days, I might also add some admin overrides,
> > but I didn't need that at the time.
> > Regards,
> > Malcolm
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