On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 14:13 -0700, christian.oudard wrote:
> I have made a page for admins to set a user account to inactive, but I
> noticed that the user's session continues if he is logged in. It
> appears that the is_active field is only checked when the user logs
> in, not when each request is authenticated.

Terminology point: *Authentication* is what happens when the login check
is performed. On subsequent visits, the session tells you that they're
already *authorised* -- they aren't re-authenticated.

>  Is there an easy way to
> log a user out when his account is made inactive

The difficulty here is that there's no easy way to look up a session
based on a user (there could be more than one, too). Sessions are
pickled data, indexes only by the session identifier. If you knew the
session identifier, you could simply delete that session, but finding
the right session to delete requires a full table scan and a bunch of

>  Also, should the
> auth system check is_active on every authenticated request, and should
> this be considered a bug in the auth app?

No. It's up to you to work out what you want to do with is_active, since
it varies from application to application. Note that is_active doesn't
even prevent you from logging in (as documented).

You might want to add some extra middleware to do that check if it's
part of your logic flow.


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