Hello Daniel,
just I got a mail of another user, he had the correct answer and now it works.
I have no further need for help.
Best regards


Von: django-users@googlegroups.com im Auftrag von Daniel Roseman
Gesendet: Do 02.04.2009 12:53
An: Django users
Betreff: Re: Django Tutorial, Part 3

On Apr 2, 8:35 am, rorocam <rosemarie.lo...@cam-systems.de> wrote:
> Hello ...,
> I have problems with the "Decoupling the URLconfs". I did, as Django
> Tutorial (Part 3) shows me, but it does not work, the browser shows
> following error:
> > ImportError at /polls/
> > Import by filename is not supported.
> What is wrong with my application? I have installed Python 2.6 and
> Django 1.0.2 at Windows XP.
> Thanks, for giving me an answer.
> Best regards
> Rosemarie Loewe

You haven't given nearly enough information for us to solve this
problem. What is the full traceback? What is the code where the
problem occurs?

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