
I've got two very unremarkable models, Invoice Order that has a
foreign key to an Invoice model.  There are some tax calculations that
happen on the save of the order model that populate and update the
corresponding fields in the Invoice model.  All works fine and in fact
all calculations in the system happen within a custom save function.

So as far as the user is concerned they see a few fields that are
empty but populated when the form is saved.  The client has requested
to see if we can improve that functionality and populate the necessary
fields as the user fills in the form, so once a price and tax rate are
added the final price field is populated also.  Along with that the
form will be populated with the relevent prices when a user selects
the product to add to the order.  complicated I think.

My question centers around how I would implement such functionality,
it screams to me JQuery or similar doing it's magic to perform the
necessary calcs and then django reverts to a normal save function.

Obviously that is a pretty big rewrite and I'd like to avoid making
things complicated and losing what coding I've done.

Does anyone have any better suggestions for how I might accomplish
that sort of functionality fairly cleanly?
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