> Yup. The ORM goes out of its way to make safe strings. You can circumvent it
> but that's naturally on your head. The Form classes also go a long way to do
> the same. Forms go some distance further to make validation really simple
> too.

Interesting, thanks. I did not know what ORM means but it seems to be
some abstraction layer between the DB and the code, quite nice for not
worrying about sanitation.

> And you say you're not interested in Templating, but you will be once you've
> used it a few times.

I can be led astray.... :)

> Okay for this bit, I have three models in play. User (built into Django),
> UserProfile (an extension of User, locked in with a foreign key) and
> Company, referred to by UserProfile. In real DB terms there are 4 tables
> there.
> Say I want to list users that are part of a given company. Easy:
>     users = [u.user for u in UserProfile.objects.filter(company=company)]

So that's done right on the database abstraction layer? No SQL?

> How about I want to filter another Model that has an FK on User, again,
> given a company? Still super easy:
>     data = AnotherModel.objects.filter(user__in = [u.user for u in
> UserProfile.objects.filter(company=company)])
> How about dynamic sorting? Here's how I exposed table-header based sorting
> so you can sort by a named column and specify an order, with defaults if
> nothing is specified:
>     data = data.order_by('%s%s' % (request.GET.get('order', '-'),
> request.GET.get('orderby', 'when')))

I don't think that it is safe to pass from the querystring directly
into the database like that, unless there is some serious sanitation
going on. I'd be wary, though. However, I get the point of the code
and it does look tidy, though as I already know SQL I would probably
prefer to query the DB directly.

> These sorts of things can be nauseating to implment. They're usually easy
> but time consuming. Now they're just easy.


> To find out how it'll effect you though, you just need to get stuck in.

Naturally, but I wanted to get an idea if Django is right for me first.

Actually, it looks like I will start with just Python in the beginning
and I will convince myself to move to Django after I fall into a
gotcha or two.

I appreciate the time and advice!

Dotan Cohen


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