I think you are looking for get()

facilityList = Facility.objects.get(name = facilityName)



Dougal Matthews - @d0ugal

2009/3/30 famousactress <famousactr...@gmail.com>:
> Hello folks. I'm new to python, new to Django, but very old to ORMs
> (via Java's Hibernate, mostly)...
> I naively assumed that QuerySet.filter() would return me None, if
> there were no results. Instead it returns an empty list. That's not
> terrible, but for some things, it can make code more cumbersome.
> Consider the following:
> def ensureFacilityExists(facilityName):
>  facilityList = Facility.objects.filter(name = facilityName)
>  if len(facilityList) == 1:
>    return facilityList[0]
>  elif len(facilityList == 0:
>    facility = Facility(name = facilityName)
>    facility.save()
>    return facility
>  else:
>    raise Exception("More than one facility with that name!")
> This is a bit clunky for this case. I looked for a method on QuerySet
> that would clean this up, but didn't find one. I may have missed
> something. Here's what I did to clean my case up though:
> def ensureFacilityExists(facilityName):
>  facility = Facility.objects.filter(name = facilityName).only()
>  if facility == None:
>    facility = Facility(name = facilityName)
>    facility.save()
>  return facility
> ... In order to do this, I added the only() method to QuerySet:
> def queryset_only(self):
>  i = len(self)
>  if i == 0:
>    return None
>  elif i > 1:
>    raise Exception("More than one element in this querySet!!")
>  else:
>    return self[0]
> import new
> from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
> QuerySet.only = new.instancemethod(queryset_only,None,QuerySet)
> My question is:
> Is there another facility for doing this already built into Django's
> ORM? If not, is this a change that seems valuable to anyone else?
> Thanks,
> Phill
> >

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