Excellent - that gives me new enthusiasm to keep trying.  Thanks for
the link too. I'll play around with mime-types to see if I can get it
to work!


On Mar 27, 4:07 pm, Andy Mckay <a...@clearwind.ca> wrote:
> On 27-Mar-09, at 11:44 AM, Ross wrote:
> > I'm a bit new to this, so don't be surprised if I'm way off base here.
> > Is there any way for me to deliver a javascript that contains
> > templated content through Django?  Or is Django somehow limited to
> > only rendering html content based templates.
> > So I'm thinking I'd have an html page which contains a:
> > script type='application/x-javascript' src='deliverJS/'
> > and my urls.py would trap the 'deliverJS/' and call something like
> > views.makeJS
> > and in views.py I'd gather some stuff and render a file  'jsFile.js'
> > into which I've stuffed some things using template tags?
> > Is that possible?
> In short yes, that's pretty much how you'd do it. Just make sure to
> send the correct mime-type to the response as well:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/request-response/#httprespon...
> --
>    Andy McKay
>    Clearwind Consulting:www.clearwind.ca
>    Blog:www.agmweb.ca/blog/andy
>    Twitter: twitter.com/clearwind
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