On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 10:02 AM, Timothy <83...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi Folks
> project-name is "heller"
> site-name is "personal"
> my directory-structure (in short)
> heller/
>      personal/
>           views.py
>           .
>           .
>      templates/
>           personal/
>                 includes/
>                 x.html
>                 y.html
>                 .
>                 .
>     settings.py
>     url.py
>     .
>     .
> I'd like to save some java-script functions in external files
> quadrat.js, store them in
>                heller/personal/templates/personal/includes/
> or in
>               heller/personal/templates/personal/
> and include them in an html-file with
>   <script src="quadrat.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
> But I don't know, how is the "src=..." to reach this .js-File.
> Problem of not enough understanding of Djangos-URL-Structure.
> Please -give me some hints.
> And I know about {% include %} - Tag.
> Thx
> Timothy
> >
> Take a look at this:


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