On 25 Mar, 21:15, Antoni Aloy <antoni.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The obvious one: check your cron job .. Log your queries in postgres
> to see which querie consumes more time, it should be the cron job one.

I did it some time ago, and there are such entries:

Mar 20 18:12:20 ns204293 postgres[27213]: [3-1] [27213]LOG:  process
27213 acquired ExclusiveLock on tuple (21,19) of relation 197227 of
database 98304 after 42887.468 ms

Question is - should Django ever do a ExclusiveLock?

It's not resources problem, load average on cron job running is ~1,
then (when it's done), it goes to 4-5 because all pending ajax request
etc. are bashing Apache.
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