I agree with David.

I think this migration tool is essential these days. Anything will do
for me as long as it comes prepackaged with django.

Best regards,

On Mar 26, 11:04 am, David Lindquist <david.lindqu...@gmail.com>
> On Mar 25, 2009, at 4:54 PM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Joshua Partogi  
> > <joshua.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Is there any chance dmigrations
> >> (http://code.google.com/p/dmigrations/) will be merged into django
> >> codebase? Because it removes the pain for db migrations :-D
> > dmigrations is one of several database schema migration projects that
> > exists in the community. Given the feature set that is available to
> > other migration projects (in particular, Django Evolution and South),
> > it is unlikely that dmigrations will be merged into Django as-is.
> > However, adding schema migration is on the radar as something that we
> > want to add.
> > For more details, search the Django mailing lists - this comes up
> > fairly regularly. Also, look on YouTube for the DjangoCon video where
> > the developers of Django Evolution, South and dmigrations discuss
> > their projects and the prospects for integrating a migration project
> > into trunk.
> > Yours,
> > Russ Magee %-)
> I have a question about schema migration that is a bit tangential to  
> this thread, but it is something I have always wondered about:
> Why has it taken so long for Django to acquire this functionality  
> when a framework like Ruby on Rails has had it for years? Is there  
> something about Django that makes it more difficult to implement? Was  
> the Rails implementation hastily added? Is it simply low on the  
> priority list?
> Just curious.
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