On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 1:22 AM, @@ <ask...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I run into a strange problem when i changed my code a little and then test
> my apps.
> In some tests(not the first) i got the error message below:
> IntegrityError: (1452, 'Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key
> constrai
> nt fails (`test_app_o2`.`auth_permission`, CONSTRAINT
> `content_type_id_refs_id_7
> 28de91f` FOREIGN KEY (`content_type_id`) REFERENCES `django_content_type`
> (`id`)
> which is really wired,  as you can see the cause is: create_permissions got
> called and  the content_type was not filled with data . However there are
> some testcases passed, that means sometimes create_permissions works.
> And then i changed the order of INSTALLED_APPS , i put
> django.contrib.contenttypes before django.contrib.auth then run the test,
> all my testcase passed.
> But i still can't figure out why this happens, and only happens in some
> testcases.

Ordinarily the order in INSTALLED_APPS _shouldn't_ matter. However,
this looks like you're hitting a form of #7052.

The problem plays out like this: Certain applications (in particular,
contenttypes and auth) dynamically create database content
(permissions, content type identifiers, etc) when they are
synchronized. When you dump a fixture, those dynamically created
content types etc are stored in the fixture.

When the test case flushes the database, the application attempts to
recreate the dynamic data, and then loads the fixture. If the dynamic
data isn't recreated in the same order as it was to create the data in
the fixture, you get an error from the database complaining about
uniqueness in foreign key constraints. This is because during the
process of loading a fixture, the primary keys for the existing
dynamic content differs from that in the fixture, so you can end up
two identical rows of content but with different primary keys -
leading to a constraint problem.

By changing the order in INSTALLED_APPS, you are modifying the order
in which the dynamic data is recreated; in your case, it appears that
by changing the order, you can match the order that already exists in
your fixture, and the constraint problem doesn't eventuate.

The long term solution here is to fix #7052. In the interim, the
solution is to either:

1) Avoid putting dynamic content in your fixtures - this means
removing auth and contenttype objects from your fixture. This won't
cause any problems unless you are relying upon links to dynamic
content objects in your tests. The most common reason for needing such
links is using generic relations, but there are others.

2) Generate a new fixture whenever you add an application to your
project, or add a model to an application in your project. Obviously,
this is fairly fragile as a solution, but it should work.

Russ Magee %-)

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