On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Kedare <kedar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm here because i need to know if the following feature will be
> included in the futures releases of django (if yes, what release ?) or
> why are they missing ?
> -- REAL Query cache (like in ruby on rails), very useful if you have
> redundant SQL request (like multiple recursive requests by example to
> show a category and it's parents)
> -- Database persistant connexion, and connexion pool, why we can keep
> the connexion open in django ? we have to re-open it at every request
> for me, it's a big bad point because these features are missing, and
> they are VERY useful and important (and rails includes all that... why
> not django ?)
> Thank you,
> and sorry for my bad english
> >
1) Django itself doesn't include any type of identity mapper(which it looks
like it's what you're taking about), however it's possible to do that
external to Django, David Cramer has a github project which does this and
I've done a pair of blog posts about it.  To my knowledge most of the core
developers feel that a full identity mapper isn't appropriate for Django.

2) This one is less clear, and I don't know that there's any consensus
however it's possible to use external connection poolers with Django(like


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