Sorry for the late reply. I did as you suggested - overrided form's 
clean method.For example when I did sth like this:


    <form id="carForm" method="POST" action=".">
        <input type="Submit" value="Add photo"/>


    class Car(models.Model):
        car_type = models.IntegerField()

    class CarPhoto(models.Model):
        photo = models.ImageField( upload_to = 'cars_photos/')
        car = models.ForeignKey(Car)


    class CarForm(ModelForm):
        class Meta:
            model = Car
    class CarPhotoForm(ModelForm):
        class Meta:
            model = CarPhoto
            exclude = 'car'

    def car(request):
        carForm,  carPhotoForm = CarForm(),  CarPhotoForm()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            post = request.POST.copy()
            carForm = CarForm(post)
            carPhotoForm = CarPhotoForm(post)
        return render_to_response('cars.html',  {    'carForm':carForm, 

then without calling form's is_valid method, the validation was 
performed after submitting form.

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-03-23 at 17:46 +0100, Marek Wawrzyczek wrote:
>> I'd like to make a page, where the user will be able to edit a data of
>> his account and add photos. There will be 2 buttons: add photo, and
>> submit form. Add photo button will cause adding a photo to the server,
>> so the form will be submited, and then in the response generated by
>> django (so that the fields user entered before adding a photo weren't
>> cleaned) there will be error messages if the user filled the email
>> field for example "addres@". So I'd like to do validating of "non
>> image" fields only after submiting a form. 
> Nothing requires you to display the error messages on the HTML page. You
> can write your own form display method that only displays the errors if
> some other context variable is set, for example.
> However, you haven't mentioned what happens when you just try what you
> want to do. Does it work? If not, what goes wrong?
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> >

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