> Do you mind sharing the class definition for this model?

here it is:

#this keeps track of active bidders and their profile settings
class Bidder (models.Model):
    AccountNum = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True,
blank=False)                    # User.Id (per auth user table
    Title = models.CharField (max_length=4,
blank=False,db_index=True)                # Salutation , required
    Organization = models.CharField (max_length=120,
blank=True)                      # Organization, optional
    FirstName = models.CharField (max_length=50,
blank=False,db_index=True)           # First Name , required
    LastName = models.CharField (max_length=50,
blank=False,db_index=True)            # Last Name , required

    BAddress = models.CharField (max_length=100,
blank=False)                         # Address , required
    BAddress2 = models.CharField (max_length=50,
blank=True)                          # Address2 , optional
    BCity = models.CharField (max_length=50,
blank=False)                             # City , required
    BState = models.CharField
(max_length=3,blank=False)                              # State /
Canadian Province / US Territory, required
    BZipCode = models.CharField (max_length=10,
blank=False,db_index=True)            # Zipcode , required
    BCountry = models.CharField (choices=Country_Choices,max_length=4,
blank=False)                           # Country, Required

    SAddress = models.CharField (max_length=100,
blank=False)                         # Address , required
    SAddress2 = models.CharField (max_length=50,
blank=True)                          # Address2 , optional
    SCity = models.CharField (max_length=50,
blank=False)                             # City , required
    SState = models.CharField
(max_length=3,blank=False)                              # US / Candian
Province / US Territory, required
    SZipCode = models.CharField (max_length=10,
blank=False)                          # Zipcode , required
    SCountry = models.CharField (choices=Country_Choices,max_length=4,
blank=False)                           # Country , required

    Phone = models.CharField (max_length=12,
blank=False)                             # Phone number, required
    Fax = models.CharField (max_length=12,
blank=True)                                # Fax, optional

    OutBidNotifications = models.IntegerField (default=1,
blank=False,choices=Active_Choices,help_text='An outbid notification
will be sent to the bidder via email in the event they are no longer
the active high bidder.')                 # Whether or not to send
outbid notices, 1=yes, 0 = no
    BidNotifications = models.IntegerField (default=0,
blank=False,choices=Active_Choices,help_text='Sent to the bidder for
each and every bid they place.')                      # Whether or not
to send a copy of their latest bid, 1=yes, 0 = no
    LostNotifications = models.IntegerField (default=1,
blank=False,choices=Active_Choices,help_text='Sent to the user in the
event they lose an auction.')               # Whether or not to send a
lost auction notice, 1=yes, 0 = no
    EmailFormat = models.CharField
# Whether to receive HTML or Text Email.  H = html, T=Text
    RefreshRate = models.IntegerField (blank=False, default=60,
choices=Refresh_Choices)      # The # of seconds per page reload -
applies to auction detail and auction list pages.

    AuthCode = models.CharField (max_length=20, blank=True,
help_text='The original authcode established during registration.  DO
NOT CHANGE.')                           # holds the original CC Auth
code from CC verify

    CreatedDate = models.DateTimeField (blank=False,
db_index=True,help_text='ADMIN Field - DO NOT
CHANGE.')                   # date of creation
    ModifiedDate = models.DateTimeField
(auto_now_add=True,blank=False, db_index=True)# auto date of update
    Agreedtoterms = models.BooleanField()   #indicates whether or not
a person has agreed to the HRM TAC
    Active = models.IntegerField (choices=Active_Choices,default=0,
blank=False,db_index=True,help_text='Whether or not the user may place
bids on open auctions.')               # controls whether or not a
person can bid. 1= yes, 0=no

    class Admin:
        list_display =
        list_filter = ['CreatedDate']
        fields =  (
            ('Contact Information', {
            ('Billing Address', {
            ('Shipping Address', {
            ('Communication Preferences', {
            ('Admin Information:', {
        search_fields =

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