On Mar 25, 2:16 pm, Dougal Matthews <douga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've never actually tried this but i often hear it mentioned. It may
> do what you need (or at least, 
> help)...http://code.google.com/p/google-app-engine-django/

Cheers Dougal,
I'm actually using that helper already (and it's great). However, the
DB-related stuff is quite different from a standalone Django app
using, say, MySQL.

For example, in the modem classes, properties are all different...
  #Regular Django:
  first_name = db.StringProperty()
  #GAE Django (with Google's helper):
  first_name = models.CharField()

... and in your view code, to retrieve the data is something like...

  # Regular Django
  persons = Person.objects.filter( first_name=request.POST
[ "first_name" ] )
  #  GAE Django
  persons = Person.all().filter( "first_name = ", request.POST
[ "first_name" ] ).fetch( 1 )

... so you have different code in both your models and views, which
becomes impossible to manage, in terms of source code management, when
deploying the same app to GAE *and* a standalone application (say,
powered by fast_cgi).

I was hoping for a common base class that would be compatible with
both (allowing for the incompatibilities between MySQL and GAE,


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