On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Michael Glassford <glassfo...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Alex Gaynor wrote:
> >
> > I'm almost positive the MySQL CLI operates differently for the purposes
> > of this query.  The reason the queries do different things in .96 is
> > that in .96 that query becomes id = NULL rather than id IS NULL, which
> > MySQL handles differently.
> >
> Well, that fits the facts that I know. However, from a Django point of
> view it's pretty unexpected. Would you agree that it should be
> considered a Django bug, and should be fixed?
> Mike
> >
No, there was a thread during the queryset-refactor where Malcolm brought
this up and the decision was if MySQL wants to do strange things we're
wasting our time trying to stop it.


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