On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 4:45 PM, Adam Yee <adamj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm using Django's builtin AuthenticationForm
> Here's my login view: http://dpaste.com/18110/
> Form submittal (not empty or empty fields) takes me back to the login
> page with 'Did not login'.  My debugging print statement isn't showing
> up in the terminal, so is_valid is somehow returning false.
> If I submit with empty fields, I don't get the default 'This field is
> required' type of error messages that I would expect.  I'm not sure
> how clean() is working with the AuthenticationForm...  Am I validating
> correctly? Or is something happening in the authentication process?
> Thanks.
Your error() function is creating a brand-new blank AuthenticationForm that
is passed in the context to the template, so the specific error message
associated with whatever caused is_valid() to fail (which has been added to
the original form's error_list) is being thrown away.  If instead you pass
back the form you called is_valid() on, then the template would be able to
report the specific error that is causing the validation failure.


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