2009/3/22 dbbarua <dbba...@gmail.com>

> Hi Karen,
>             I am using the svn code for rapidsms and i have tried the
> official recommended version Django 1.0 and rapidsms from svn...

If you were using the svn code for rapidsms then I do not understand how you
hit the previous error you reported.  The svn code for rapidsms does not
have core=True anywhere in its models.py file.  (For reference I am looking
here: http://svn.mepemepe.com/rapidsms/trunk/balert/models.py)  So, did you
change the level of rapidsms you are using since your first problem?  If not
then I'm very confused by what you have reported.

> Yes i downgraded to 0.96.3 from 1.0 ...now it compiles fine but  when
> i try to access the server gives me this output..

> Switch to copy-and-paste view

Next time you post a traceback please do use this link to switch to the
copy-and-paste view and post that version.  The non-copy-and-paste version
is nearly impossible to follow when pasted into an email.

Do i have to upgrade to Django 1.0 again...?

You need to be using compatible versions of the app and Django.  If you are
using the svn version of rapidsms then I'd guess you need Django 1.0 to go
with it, since it looks to me like the app has been changed in svn at least
to run on Django 1.0, but the doc for that app should really be what
specifies what level of Django you need for it.


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