Thanxs for the advice Ian!!!

But unfortunately I haven't been succesful.

I have set the NLS_LANG to .UTF8 in the <Location> directive at the
apache conf file:

<Location "/tide/reportes_edd">
    SetHandler python-program
    PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
    SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE reportes_edd.settings
    PythonOption django.root /tide/reportes_edd
    PythonDebug On
    PythonPath "['/var/www/html/tide', '/var/www/html/tide/
reportes_edd'] + sys.path"
    PythonInterpreter reportes_edd
    SetEnv NLS_LANG .UTF8

But I get a strange behaviour:  If I show the os.environ['NLS_LANG']
within my application, it shows '.UTF8'   BUT the database still sends
me data encoded in latin1.  I have also tried to set os.environ
['NLS_LANG']='.UTF8' in:,, ... and it
seems that the environment variable does not take effect.

I still get the right coding "sometimes" and the wrong one

I don't have the control of the server and I cannot modify the apache
(honestly I don't know if it has prefork Apache MPM).

The server is a Redhat ES release 4 U7 which comes with python 2.3,
and they are not willing to upgrade it to python 2.5 (since it is not
supported by RedHat ES 4) ... so I can not move to cx_Oracle 5.01.  I
am running out of options ...

This is my first project with this client on Django and I really want
to demosntrate that we can have reliable Django applications on their
platforms but my LAST resource would be to move the whole project to
PHP (Which is not what I whant to do ... What else could I try before
that last chance?)

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