On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 20:23 -0700, Keyton Weissinger wrote:
> I'm running django on an Apache 2.2 server on a Windows XP box. I'm
> running django 1.0.2. I had a simple form/view that worked like a
> champ in my ubuntu box but now suddenly bombs in the django forms
> code.
> Here's the trace: http://dpaste.com/16330/
> Looking at other instances of similar problems, in the past it appears
> to have occurred in trying to print something so I thought maybe it
> was a debug statement I had somewhere but I've ruled that out.
> Below are links to both the view function and the form I'm using. The
> form is a little funky because I'm adding a bunch of stuff for
> dojoTypes (if anyone knows a better way, lemme know -- and
> unfortunately it doesn't look like Dojango or Dojima help - argh!) but
> I don't think it's too terrible.

Nothing obvious jumps out frmo scanning the code, but normal debugging
rules apply: start reducing the failing code to the smallest possible.
E.g., remove all the custom widget stuff. Trim down the view to the
minimum, possible (e.g. hard-code some things like the conf_period
object). Work out what data has to be passed into the form to make the
validation step fail.

I'd even be dropping some debugging prints into the forms code, but you
can probably go far without needing to do that.


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