
When you setup urls, they can have dynamic parts in them, so you dont
need to use ?=, but could have an url foo/bar where your url would
grab the bar and turn it into a variable. Fx if you had an url like
this in your urls.py:
(r'^foo/(?P<my_var>\w+)/$', 'my_view_name')
bar would become my_var, that you could use in your view. You can
change the reg match to fit your needs. Then all you would need to do,
would be to create the form with the data collected from the url and
render it to a template for display.
You can read about the how django work with urls in the docs:


On 18 Mar., 15:06, Jorge Romo <eskoria.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I was trying to see if there's a way (I'm pretty sure there is a way)
> to prepopulate a form field from an url. For example: /foo?=bar and
> that in my form field "bar" is displayed. I have to work with java?
> there is another way?
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