On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 12:00 PM, TP <tommi.pres...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have an error in my traceback saying the index.html file does not
> exist, but it has been created in the correct DIR.

The exception traceback include a list of all the files the template loader
looked for.  Yours says:

> Django tried loading these templates, in this order:
> Using loader django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source:
> /home/csunix/scs5tdp/Desktop/mysite/templates/admin/base_site.html/
> home/csunix/scs5tdp/Desktop/mysite/templates/polls/index.html/home/
> csunix/scs5tdp/Desktop/mysite/mysite/polls/index.html/polls/index.html
> (File does not exist)
> Using loader
> django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source:
> /home/csunix/scs5tdp/python/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/
> contrib/
> admin/templates/polls/index.html (File does not exist)
> [snip]

> The File exists in that Dir that is listed in the TEMPLATE_DIR so Im
> confused why I get that error

What exactly do you have TEMPLATE_DIRS set to?  Based on what the template
loader postmortem says it appears to contain a single string:


This seems unlikely to be what you intended, so I'd take a closer look at
that TEMPLATE_DIRS setting to see how this has happened.  Are you missing
some commas, maybe?


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