    I am trying to create a complex form similar to the poll example.
My create method is very similar to the following:

def create(request):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        pollform = bforms.PollForm()
        choiceforms = []
        for i in range(4):
            choiceforms.append(bforms.ChoiceForm(prefix = 'f%s'%i))
    if request.method == 'POST':
        pollform = bforms.PollForm(request.POST)
        choiceform = bforms.ChoiceForm()
        if pollform.is_valid():
            poll = pollform.save()
            choiceforms = []
            for i in range(4):
                choiceforms.append(bforms.ChoiceForm(poll=poll, prefix
= 'f%s'%i, data=request.POST))
            for form in choiceforms:
                if form.is_valid():
            return HttpResponseRedirect(poll.get_absolute_url())
    payload = dict(pollform=pollform, choiceforms=choiceforms)
    return render('create.html', payload)

This method displays my form correctly, but when I try to save filling
out only 1 of the 4 Choices, I get a required validation error. Is
there a way to save only the number of choices I want to save between
1 and 4?


Steven H.

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