I have the ModelForm below to let the user edit some of their basic
User fields like username, first/last name and email.  During testing,
I discovered that I could edit and save a username that included non-
alpha characters.  When I log into the admin system, the username is
set to the new value.  I can log back in with the new username as
well.  It seems to work OK, but I wonder if it could cause problems
elsewhere.  How do I get it to do the same username validation as at

class UserForm( ModelForm ):

        class Meta:
                model = User
                exclude = ( 'password', 'is_staff', 'is_superuser', 
'is_active', 'date_joined' )

        def clean_username( self ):
                old_username = self.instance.username
                new_username = self.cleaned_data.get( 'username', '' )
                if old_username != new_username:
                                User.objects.get( username=new_username )
                        except User.DoesNotExist:
                                return new_username
                        raise forms.ValidationError( 'A user with this username 
exists.  Please user another.' )
                return new_username
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