I read the reference and understand the concept of trying to limit
huge queries, but
don't understand repr() or what's going on in this instance.   My
query already has a limit on it, but even if
it was a bigger query, it is still intentional.

I have only one query set, and it is not iterated or accessed anywhere
in the view.
I have inserted debug logging statements to confirm there is only one
SQL statement generated until
the queryset is passed to the template - the count statement that
Paginator needs to determine how many pages
(omitted above because I knew why it was there).

Then it generates 4 queries which doesn't seem right.

I am doing some raw SQL in parallel with the query_set, maybe that is
screwing it up?

I am going to eliminate the querysets and try pure raw SQL for this
view for performance reasons but I'd still like to understand what was
going on.

On Mar 12, 10:59 pm, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 11:24 PM, adrian <adrian...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have a view that does not evaluate a queryset, it just adds filters
> > and order_by and then
> > passes it to Paginator (set to 50 per page) and the result is passed
> > to the template.    The following SQL is generated (with some fields
> > omitted for clarity).  I'm using Django 1.0.2 and MySQL 5.1.
> > SELECT `lister_importedsighting`.`id`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`user_id`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`date_added`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`active`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`tax_order` FROM `lister_importedsighting`
> > WHERE (`lister_importedsighting`.`user_id` = 1  AND
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`birdlist_area` = ABA ) ORDER BY
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`species_name` ASC LIMIT 50
> > SELECT `lister_importedsighting`.`id`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`user_id`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`date_added`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`active`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`tax_order` FROM `lister_importedsighting`
> > WHERE (`lister_importedsighting`.`user_id` = 1  AND
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`birdlist_area` = ABA ) LIMIT 21
> > SELECT `lister_importedsighting`.`id`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`user_id`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`date_added`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`active`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`tax_order` FROM `lister_importedsighting`
> > WHERE (`lister_importedsighting`.`user_id` = 1  AND
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`birdlist_area` = ABA ) ORDER BY
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`species_name` ASC LIMIT 21
> > SELECT `lister_importedsighting`.`id`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`user_id`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`date_added`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`active`,
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`tax_order` FROM `lister_importedsighting`
> > WHERE (`lister_importedsighting`.`user_id` = 1  AND
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`birdlist_area` = ABA ) ORDER BY
> > `lister_importedsighting`.`species_name` ASC LIMIT 21
> > My question is why are the last 3 queries present, and where did limit
> > 21 come from, a number not present in my view at all?
> They're coming from some code attempting to print or take the repr of the
> queryset.  See:
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/msg/e20328499c793e41
> (It looks like there may be more than one queryset variable involved here --
> one of those LIMIT 21 queries doesn't have an order by clause.)
> > It matters because in some cases my SQL queries are much more
> > expensive than this, and they
> > run for every page if Paginated.
> If it's not immediately clear to you where these calls to repr are coming
> from it might be worth trying to track them down.  Years ago querysets in a
> template context would get evaluated as a side-effect of attempting to
> access a non-existant template variable 
> (seehttp://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/82df...)
> but that was fixed a long time ago.  It looks like something, though, is
> doing similar with the querysets you are working with here.  Are you running
> with any debugging plugins or other code that might be doing processing on
> your template context?
> Karen
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