On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:05 AM, uno...@gmail.com <uno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> is there a way that i can pass the user that generated the signal to
> my signal handler ?


The `post_save` signal is a feature of the model API, which doesn't
know anything about these "users" of which you speak. Consider: if I
drop into a Python prompt, and type::

    >>> YourModel.objects.create(**some_data)

... a `post_save` signal will be fired. Which user should that be
associated with?

Users -- and authentication in general -- are a feature of the view
layer, which is higher level than the model level the save signals
live at. If you need to associate a user with some object, you need to
do it at the view level where `request.user` is available.


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