Sorry for the off-topic cross-post, but I have tried this question on
the other python lists to no avail, and there are some wicked smart
Python people that read this group.

I am in the process of updating my little django project,, and I'm running into a little problem with my
'build' script, which is a script I hacked together to create the
instant django portable environment, without me having to do
everything 'by hand'.

With previous versions of the Python Windows msi installer, for
example 2.5.4, I could run the following command from the windows cmd
prompt (or from inside my build script):

msiexec /a C:\python-2.5.4.msi /qn TARGETDIR=C:\python

This would result in a 'full' python installation (or extraction) in
the C:\python directory, inside of which I would find the (necessary)
file msvcr71.dll. Of course, this would not register extensions, but I
did not want it to.

When I try the same command with python-2.6.1.msi, the file
msvcr90.dll and the manifest file are not created in the python
directory, nor anywhere else on the system.

If, instead, I double click the python-2.6.1.msi installer, the
msvcr90.dll file is created. I have tried msiexec with '/a' and '/i'
command line switches, and every possible combination of options, all
to no avail.

I can't figure out if this is a regression, but it used to work.

I am basing my attempts on the following page:

I could not find a similar page for the 2.6 release.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to figure out what I'm
doing wrong?

I tried to understand the '' file that is in the 'tools'
directory of the python source code, but it is pretty far over my
head. As near as I can figure, a setting is made in the gui which
tells the msi installer where to create the dll (shared or private),
and somehow this setting doesn't happen if the gui is not invoked.

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