class Pathology(models.Model):
    pathology = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True,

class Pathpubcombo(models.Model):
    pathology = models.ForeignKey(Pathology)
    publication = models.ForeignKey(Publication)

 Currently, I select all the pathologies from the model Pathology and
send to a drop down list on the template:
def publications(request):
     pathology_list = Pathology.objects.all().order_by('pathology')
     return render_to_response("search/search.html",
        "pathology_list": pathology_list,

I would like to filter the pathology list, so that it only selects the
unduplicated pathology ids from the model Pathpubcombo.  I've tried
several variations of the following statement, but always get an
This is the working statement, but doesn't subset pathology_id from
    pathology_list = Pathology.objects.all().order_by('pathology')
and this one doesn't work:
   pathology_list = Pathology.objects.select_related().get

Thanks for any help.
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