On Tue, 2009-03-10 at 04:07 -0700, NoviceSortOf wrote:
> Thanks Malcom,
> I re-read the links you sent along on forms and formsets.
> I'm now working with a form but instead of
> ___________________________________________________________
> > > [ ] Stevenson Collected Works
> > > [ ] Stevenson Treasure Island
> > > [ ] Stevenson Wild West Stories
> > > [Submit]
> I get  a blank instance of the model reflected in the browser. rather
> than a list of books...ie

Which means you haven't populated your form with any initial data
(search for the term "initial" in the form documentation).

> ___________________________________________________________
> Author : [                    ]
> Title  : [                    ]
> Select : [ ]
> [Submit]

It also seems to me that this isn't what you were after initially. You
were wanting a form that contained a single checkbox as the field, where
the field label was a book title. Not a form for every field in the
model so that the model could be edited.

Take a few steps back from your code and remember the problem you were
trying to solve. It sounded like you wanted a form with a single
checkbox field. So why not start from there?

> I've tried working with formsets but
> {% for field in forms %}
> returns blanks
> and when I try changing it to
> {% for field in formsets %}
> i get an error message saying formset is not iterable
> What am I missing?

Why are you trying to iterate over a formset instead of displaying it
automatically (it's designed to encapsulate the behaviour of displaying
forms individually)? There's nothing in the documentation that suggests
doing that.

I would first concentrate on getting a single form working that displays
a single instance of the model. Once you understand how to display that
and process the result, then moving onto multiple instances at once.


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