Thomas Guettler wrote:
> Jeff FW schrieb:
>> The serializers are for serializing querysets/models.  I'm surprised
>> you're not getting an error message there--are you catching all
>> exceptions?
>> What you want is in django.utils.simplejson:
>> from django.utils.simplejson import encoder
>> encoder.JSONEncoder().encode(ret)
> Or this:
>>>> from django.utils import simplejson
>>>> simplejson.dumps(...)
> But unfortunately this does not encode datetime objects.
>   Thomas

Thanks for your responses. Now when I try

     ret = { }
     ret['a'] = 'b'
     serialized = encoder.JSONEncoder().encode(ret)
     print serialized

then It works.

But now I have another problem. I have a class "State":

class State(models.Model):
    state = models.CharField(max_length = 30)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.state

Throutht the admin page I create a state called "Slaskie".      
Then the code :

            ret['b'] = State.objects.all()
            print 'ret: %' % ret
                serialized = encoder.JSONEncoder().encode(ret)
            except Exception, e:
                print 'exception: %s' % e

returns the output:

    {'b': [<State: Slaskie>]}
    [<State: Slaskie>] is not JSON serializable

At the page there's 
written something about unicode and lazy translation. I tried to use

    le = LazyEncoder()       #lazy encoder is a given class from the 
link above
    serialized = le.encode(ret)

and then the exception was:
    Circular reference detected

when I tried

    le = LazyEncoder (ensure_ascii = False)

the exception was the same:
    Circular reference detected

What's going on with this lazy translation and unicode ? How can I 
serialize the data correctly ?


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